After a plan to be send for 1 year in a russian goulag, I am now on the way for 12 months close to Auschwitz... I prefer to be there in 2009 than 65 years ago ;-)

Joke apart, I will be in STA in Krakow working in Program Office for a global system deployment. New responsibilities, new team and of course a new county. For a first internation mission, it can be worst!

Hey buddy, can we come there?

NO WAY!  I will be living in a monastry and working 29 hours per day... So, no time to discover the 200 bars of Krakow, the 1000 local vodkas   ;-)   Seriously, give me some days (weeks?) to discover the city and then let's have some fun there and try together some pierogi with a glas of Vodka.

What's the plan with this blog?

Easy - to share with you my experience there and publish some pictures of my visits.

Hope that yoy will visit often my blog!

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