Since Sunday, I am in Krakow for a first Knowledge Transfer session with my new team. Quite a good experience:
  • I have meet a nice team with highly qualified professionnal! It will be a pleasure to work with them over the next 12 months. I will learn a lot with them
  • The researches for my apartment are well progressing. I should received some proposals at the end of the week.
  • The city seems really nice! When I will be there permanently, I will post you thousands of pictures. I mainly want to highlight:
    • the nice city center - highly restricted for cars
    • the good restaurants
    • Nadia do not read this - Some big shopping mall    :-)
We had a nice team diner this evening at ... a sushi bar! Yep - Krakow seems a good place for Sushi - Sakana Sushi Bar. It was the first time that I test "dessert" sushi - it's a type or rolled omelette with fruit inside. Surprising but quiet nice!

Tomorrow, I fly back to Geneva. I will come back next week for a second session. I hope to have a safe trip back as heavy rain is plan for the night and for tomorrow morning!

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